Wild at heart movie meaning
Wild at heart movie meaning

wild at heart movie meaning

When that’s going on in what should be a simple scene, I just can’t stop to try to decipher any of it because by the time I start to have a thought, something else even wackier happens. I mean, we’re talking about a movie in which a contract killer manager(?) takes a phone call while sitting on the toilet, drinking tea, and watching a nearly naked woman dance for him. I think the all out assault of weird shit throughout the film was too much for me to stop and dwell on any of it. I couldn’t believe I had so few random thoughts about this batshit crazy Wizard of Oz sex fever dream.

wild at heart movie meaning

But when I got to the end of Wild at Heart, I realized I didn’t stop very often to make note of what was happening while I was watching. Normally, the Random Thoughts section for any movie, but especially a David Lynch movie, would be the longest section.

Wild at heart movie meaning